Thursday, April 18, 2019

The Mueller Report of April 18, 2019

The Mueller Report was released on April 18, 2019, at 2pm EST.  It is supposed to bring the investigation (about President Donald Trump's activities during the 2016 US election and speculation of his dealings with the Russians) to a close.  

But you know and I know that it's not over yet.  

This will drag through Congress and the Senate, and possibly the courts with more testifying in front of Congress and more investigating of President Donald Trump long after he isn't President anymore.  

After I downloaded and read the PDF file of the report, I chose to take a screenshot of each of the 448 pages and publish it here because I have a sneaking suspicion that the PDF file will be edited, redacted even more than it is now or the report will suddenly be taken out of circulation.  

I wanted to keep a hard copy of the ORIGINAL report to compare with future PDF documents, in the event it is ever edited or redacted, as the government has been known to do.

A PDF file will change every time it is edited. 
The screenshots on this website will never change because they were snapped from the original document within an hour of its release to the public.  

No downloading is necessary as I have put the whole report on this site. But if you don't want to sift through all of the pages below, here is a download link to the PDF file of The Mueller Report.

Please share our website with your friends. Thank you.  Here is the link to our website: 

448 Pages - click on picture to enlarge